Clinic with Dr. Simon Curtis
New Zealand Farriers Association Inc.
in association with
Present a Clinic by
Dr. Simon Curtis (UK)
FWCF, BSc (hons), PhD, HonAssocRCVS
On: Tuesday, 6 August 2019. 9.00am – 3.00pm
At: Windsor Park Stud
1130 Kaipaki Rd, Leamington, Cambridge 3495
Topics: Foals & Farriery
- Findings from my PhD studies. 1.5 hours
- Assessment and farriery treatment of mediolateral deviations. 1.5 hours
- Assessment and farriery treatment of flexural deformities in foals. 1.5 hours
Note: Time permitting, an assessment of a foal or horse may be possible.
Cost: $230.00 per person (incl. GST).
Morning Tea and Lunch is included.
Register: via email to Julianne Bryant.
Payments to: New Zealand Farriers Association Northern Branch Inc.
12 3023 0461911 00
Limited spaces available.
Category: Events & Results, News