AGM notice

| 01/05/2013 | 0 Comments
The Annual General Meeting of the
New Zealand Farriers Association (Inc.) will be held on
Tuesday, 21 May 2013 commencing at 9am
At The Airport Gateway Hotel, Auckland.
(206 Kirkbride Road Auckland Airport Mangere)


1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the Previous Annual General Meeting
3. Business arising from the Minutes
4. President’s Report
5. Balance Sheet and Financial Statement and Auditors Report
6. Election of Officers
7. Election of Sub Committees
8. Correspondence
9. Accounts of payment
10. Appointment of Auditor, and Bank Signatures
11. Setting of Subscriptions
12. Notices of Motion
13. Life/Honorary Members
14. General Business
15. Closure of Meeting

Extract from NZ Farriers Association (Inc.) Rules:
(l) Voting at the Annual General Meeting
The only persons entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be the delegates of the Branches and the current members of the Executive. All those entitled to vote shall have one vote except the President who shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote. In the event of a resolution not being clearly carried by a majority of voices the issue shall be decided by a show of hands. In the election of all offices of the Executive save that of the Secretary/Director, all votes will be by secret ballot, conducted by the Secretary and one other person elected for this purposes by the Annual General Meeting. Proxy Votes: Proxy votes will not be allowed in any election or vote.

(m) Notices of Motion
No notice of motion to rescind a resolution of the Association or to amend the rules of the Association shall be valid unless it is received in writing by the Secretary at least sixty (60) days before the Annual General Meeting is due to be held. Notices of Motion will be acceptable only if moved and seconded by financial members of the Association.

Category: Events & Results