FAQ : I would like to be a farrier.
Q: I would like to be a farrier. What should my first step be?
A: We suggest that you find a local farrier that will let you spend a day (or more) with him/her. No day is the same.
Q: What qualifications are necessary to become a farrier?
A: A love of horses. Confidence around horses. Fit and strong. Maths (measuring of steel). An eye for detail. Willingness to listen and learn.
Q: What hours do farriers work?
A: Depends on the amount of work to do that day.
Q: Can I get a farrier qualification?
A: Yes. The Certificate in Farriery Practice (CFP) is the NZ Farriers Association qualification. At the end of a 3.5-4 year apprenticeship; the apprentice then takes the CFP examination. It is a PASS/FAIL exam. Should you FAIL you are allowed to re-sit at another date.
Q: How do I get an apprenticeship?
A: The hardest thing is finding a Qualified Farrier who is wanting to take on an apprentice. Speak to local farriers in your area; they may know of someone who may be wanting to have an apprentice. You are also welcome to post on our facebook page.
Q: Is the New Zealand CFP recognised overseas?
A: The CFP is recognised in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore.